Our curriculum is based off of the pedagogy as laid out by Rudolf Steiner in the early 1900s. Waldorf Education for the young child is based on developing their physical bodies and giving them ample time and space for free, creative play. We do not directly teach to the intellect and in fact strive to keep them in their natural dreamy, imaginative state. We believe in providing a truly developmentally appropriate environment as we want childhood to remain unhurried and magical. Creative arts, handcrafts, storytelling, music and puppetry are all key elements of our curriculum, along with learning life skills like gardening, baking, and farming. We pay special attention to nurturing compassion and cultural understanding. We invite whole family participation in our festivals celebrating the changing season as we strive to create a thriving and earth-honoring community. Our credo as educators of this age in a Waldorf setting is “The World is Good” and we protect and nurture that belief for the children.
The role and activities of the teachers in the classroom support the capacity that the young child has for imitation. Whenever possible, the teachers make themselves visibly active with practical work connected to the daily life of the classroom, including cooking, baking, washing, ironing, woodworking, toy making, cleaning, sweeping, sewing and mending. The children are encouraged to participate and help.
Another important aspect of our curriculum lies in our efforts to provide an environment and activities which foster the development of the imagination of the child. The imagination plays a vital role in the development of thinking and is the foundation upon which complex cognitive concepts are built. To imagine, visualize, or picture within is an activity which strengthens the capacity for understanding in the thought processes of the child. Through artistic activities, such as painting and drawing, through our unique play materials at play time, and through storytelling and puppet shows, the children’s imaginations are nurtured.
We believe in the importance of outdoor play, and spend long stretches of time in nature. We go for walks and visit the neighboring farm animals. We play out in nature, rain our shine, every single school day, and believe that fresh air and a connection to the natural world is physically and soul-fully important for children.