Our Early Childhood Program is designed to meet and support children’s unfolding capacities and awakening interests. We set out to support their sense of wonder and whole-hearted participation in the world. We strive to meet their deep devotion to life with nurture and support, building the foundation for the development of creative thinking and sound character. Because young children so readily absorb their surroundings, we pay careful attention to the environment of the classroom. We attend to the social development of the child within the community of the class, and the creative development of the child through imitation and imagination. We provide rhythm and balance in daily, weekly and yearly life. We work within the natural rhythm of the year by celebrating seasonal festivals. We spend a large portion of each day outside, allowing for healthy movement and helping to foster an appreciation of the natural world.
“It is absolutely essential that before we think, before we so much as get our thinking in motion, we experience the condition of wonder.”